The book tells about the life and friendship of a simple doctor. The tragedy that happened to him, namely the loss of his son, makes him look at himself differently. Overcoming the pain of loss, he decides to rethink his place in the world and find the supports he needs in life. In this he will be helped by his spouse and a close friend.In the...
The story of the intertwined destinies of people and the dog Ak Suek. The main character lives in a village and due to many life circumstances, works as a simple shepherd. With his ability, namely boundless imagination, to look beyond the horizon, he tries to look at the world around him and try to survive in its harsh reality. Thus to get fro...
Книга рассказывает про жизнь великого мыслителя тюркских народов, акына и сказителя, Коркыт ата. Человека, создавшего великий музыкальный инструмент современности, кобыз.Использованная в книге форма повествования сюжета, является авторским видением и дает по-новому взглянуть на важную эстетическую проблему. Проблему отношения искусства и дейст...